Tuesday, March 5, 2019

LAD/Blog #34: FDR's First Inaugural

FDR begins his address very boldly, emphasizing the importance of truth, and acknowledging the grave issues that were currently facing the country. He stated that the only thing to fear was fear itself and that that was what was keeping the country from moving forward. He then goes on to address some of the many economic issues facing the nation, especially the issue of widespread unemployment. In a more hopeful tone, FDR then makes clear that the issue does not come from a lack of material, stating that nature provides plenty. He continued by saying that banking and credit would now strictly supervised from now on to prevent other Great Depression from occurring in the future. He emphasized his plan of putting people to work so that they have a sense of accomplishment in their lives. If more people were working, the government would collect the much needed revenue to provide services for the poor. He concluded by assuring the people that even if Congress did not cooperate with his plans for the country he would use Executive Action for the good of the American people.

Image result for obama

FDR's First Inaugural Speech reminded me of the problems that Barack Obama faced when he came to office in 2008.

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