Sunday, November 11, 2018

LAD/Blog #14: Calhoun's Speech on the Compromise of 1850

Calhoun opens his speech with a statement regarding the danger that the Union is in. The southern states discontent with the north on a variety of topics is increasing and is threatening to bring the collapse of the Union to fruition. The North dominates the South in government because of their urbanization and rapid population growth. Calhoun provides numerous examples of how the North is exploiting the south and controlling the country in a negative way. For instance, he gives the example of the North attempting to seize Texas for themselves when it should clearly be connected to the South. Also, he states that the South pays most of the taxes that just go to benefit northern industry and factories.

Calhoun later moves on to the claim that the North should be held responsible for resolving tensions between the two regions by making reforms to resolve southern grievances. If the North agreed to work with the South to reunite the country, the idea of secession would likely  be squandered. However, if the North refused reconciliation and cooperation, Calhoun said it would only be a matter of time before the Union collapses.

Image result for join or die cartoon

Calhoun's Speech on the Compromise of 1850 reminded me of the Join or Die cartoon created by Benjamin Franklin in 1754 because both stress the importance of unity.

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