Saturday, September 15, 2018

LAD/Blog #3: Declaration of Independence

1.  List the democratic principles discussed in the opening.

  • All Men are created equal
  • All people have basic unalienable rights that cannot be infringed upon
  • The government derives its power from the common people being governed and is in place to serve them and protect their rights
  • The people have a right to overthrow a tyrannical government in the interest of the freedom and happiness of the common man
2.  List 5 grievances the colonists were making the King aware of.

  • The King denied the rights to institute colonial laws
  • The King deprived colonists of trial by jury
  • The King cut off foreign trade with the colonies
  • The King forced colonists to house British soldiers in their private homes
  • The King taxed the colonies without their consent
3.  Summarize what the final paragraph is saying.

The United States are making a bold declaration of secession from British rule after a series of grievances. They are declaring their autonomy and seizing the freedoms of an independent nation to trade with whomever they please and to govern however they see fit. They are free from all loyalty to the British crown and are officially absolving themselves from any existing political and economic ties to Britain.

Image result for declaration of independence

Image result for ordinance of secession

The Declaration of Independence reminds me of the Ordinance of Secession because both declare geographic freedom from a former governing body.

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